James Haley

FD Games Design - L5 FdA Creative Digital Practice (Games Development)


Medieval Tavern

For this project, I had intended to create a medieval tavern that is inspired by games and movies that feature the same environments. I wanted to have the scene filled with assets that are based in the correct era, such as helmets, swords, books, bottles of mead or wine.

I used Substance Painter, Autodesk Maya and Unreal Engine 4 and Photoshop to develop my environment. All 3 softwares I had no idea how to use when I began the course, but have developed an understanding over the last 2 years to help me create Game Art that I can be proud of.

The artwork itself could be better and improved, and thats what I intend to do with further projects. Improve, adapt and overcome challenges that this pathway gives me.

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